Saturday, January 06, 2007

1/6 - Rowan Atkinson

1/6 - Rowan Atkinson

January 6 (1:6)

"He Who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ" Phillipians 1:6

For Rowan Atkinson born 01/06/1955

Father, I thank You for Rowan. His talents bring joy to this world. I pray Father, that You will pour out even more blessing upon him for I know You have even greater things in mind for this blessed soul. You have begun a good work, no, a great work in him and I know that You are faithful. Faithful to complete this work, faithful to bless him, faithful to annoint his marriage and his family. Let him first be known as a beloved saint, encouraging friend, nurturing father, and dear husband before he is known as comedian. Continue to bless him Father.


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