Tuesday, October 09, 2007

10/9 - Sharon Osbourne

10/9 - Sharon Osbourne

October 9 ( 10 : 9 )
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"
Romans 10:9
For Sharon Osbourne born 10/09/1952.
Sharon, my heart grieved when I read about how your father treated you and I mourned for the baby you lost by his hand. But despite this, and despite Ozzy's addictions you have kept your marriage together for 25 years, which is an incredilbe feat for any marriage, let alone a celebrity's. I pray that you will know your Heavenly Father as a loving, caring Father, I pray He will send to you comforters who will nurture your spirit and your soul speaking His gentle lovingkindnesses into your life. You have spent so many years just trying to hold it together. I pray that you can find rest in the shadow of His wing, where your pain, sorrow, anger, and stress can be laid at His feet. I pray for a sweet peace to come upon you and Ozzy, and healing can flow from your Father God's hand.


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