Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5/21 - Heartland Worship Center, Paducah, Kentucky

5/21 - Heartland Worship Center, Paducah, Kentucky

May 21 ( 5 : 21 )
God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God”
2 Corinthians 5:21
For Pastor Nathan Joyce and the people of Heartland Worship Center in Paducah, Kentucky.
Pastor Nathan I pray that during this summer, the Lord will speak a new paradigm for you and your congregation, new revelations of His eternal truths. I pray that He will reveal His heart for your congregation and their impact on Paducah, the nation, and the world. I pray that you will not hesitate to move where He calls you to move, that you will be able to step out of the boat and walk boldly on the water by His power, and that you will be able to keep your eyes on Him and His wonderful purposes for you and your people.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5/20 - Kalispell Christian Center, Kalispell, Montana

5/20 - Kalispell Christian Center, Kalispell, Montana

May 20 ( 5 : 20 )
"We are therefor Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled with God"

Ephesians 5:20
For the people of Kalispell Christian Center in Kalispell, Montana
Father God, I pray that Your people at Kalispell Christian Center will see the hurting people amongst them and come to them with compassion and a desire to meet them at their place of need. May they be Your ambassadors, representing the love You wish to pour forth upon them. May they also be transparent and genuine with each other, so that they may minister with no false pretenses. May You pour into them a double portion of all that they pour out. May the lost and hopeless find their way to the doors of this sanctuary where love prevails so that they may be reconciled with You.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

5/10 - First Alliance Church, Hockessin, Delaware

5/10 - First Alliance Church, Hockessin, Delaware

May 10
( 5 : 10 )
"And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will restore you and make you strong firm and steadfast"
1 Peter 5:10

For the people of First Alliance Church in Hockessin, Delaware
Father, I pray that You, the God of all grace, be even more generous as You pour out Your grace upon the people of First Alliance Church. So that they may show Your grace to others as freely as it was shown to them. Make them strong, firm, and steadfast as they seek to bring the light of Your Son, Jesus Christ to all nations. I pray that this will be a season of fervent prayer and rededicating themselves to their first Love. May a passion arise for the lost of this world, and many who never thought it possible, step forth and say , "Here am I , Lord, Send ME!" Make ways for these people that only You can make, and may they give You all the glory. Amen!

Friday, May 09, 2008

5/9 - Gum Stand Baptist Church, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

5/9 - Gum Stand Baptist Church, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

May 9 ( 5 : 9 )
"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ"
1 Thessalonians 5:9

For Pastor Ron Reagan and the people of Gum Stand Baptist Church in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Pastor Ron, I pray that the Lord would stir up an even greater passion for the lost in you and in your congregation. I know that many visitors come in and out of your doors, may you never grow weary of loving them fully, though they may not pass your way again. You do not know what seeds of God's love have been planted all over the nation because of your hospitality. Be ever vigilant and gracious, so that none go unwelcomed in the house of God. I thank God for you and your ministry, and may you see some fruits of your labors here on earth. But know that they are just a glimpse of the riches you have stored up in heaven. Be blessed!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

5/8 - Living Water Fellowship , Lander, Wyoming

5/8 - Living Water Fellowship , Lander, Wyoming

May 8 ( 5 : 8 )

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
Romans 5:8

For Pastor Joe Hearn, his wife Kim, and all the believers at Living Water Fellowship in Lander, Wyoming.
Father, I lift up Joe and Kim to you as they face the struggles of not only the everyday trials of married life, but to be the shepherds of a flock of Your sheep. I pray for an incredible outpouring of Your peace, and Your patience to strengthen their marriage which will, in turn, greatly benefit their ministry. I pray for the people of Living Water Fellowship, that Your Holy Spirit will come and dwell among them in their everyday lives so they may minister to those around them outside the walls of the church. May their fellowship be a time of restoring and renewing so that they may go out again into the world and shine the light of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

5/7 - Messiah Lutheran Church , South WIndsor, Connecticut

5/7 - Messiah Lutheran Church , South WIndsor, Connecticut

May 7 ( 5 : 7 )
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."
Matthew 5:7
For Reverend Thomas A. Mielke and the people of Messiah Lutheran Church in South Windsor, Connecticut

Father God, I pray for Your people at Messiah Lutheran Church, that they would know Your mercy to the fullest. I pray that they will reflect Your mercy as they deal with each other, and be a shining example of Your grace. May Your truths be so engrained on their being, that their thoughts reflect Your thoughts. While others in this world would seek to honor themselves above others, let this congregation humble itself to Your ways, and may You show them ten fold, the mercy they have shown others.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

5/6 - Liberty Independent Baptist Church, Searcy, Arkansas

5/6 - Liberty Independent Baptist Church, Searcy, Arkansas

May 6 ( 5 : 6 )

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" Matthew 5:6


For Pastor Rick Brooks and the People of Liberty Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas



Pastor Rick, I know the Lord has put a burden on your heart that as many people come to salvation through your church and your people as possible. I pray that the Holy Spirit will draw many to your church doors, but I also pray that your congregation will go far beyond the doors of the church to meet the unsaved where they are. I pray that they will display the loving gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives, and people will be drawn to the peace and hope that they have. I pray for you Rick, that you will find time in your life to create space for the still small voice of God to speak to you even when you are surrounded by chaos. May that voice be the both the anchor that keeps your secure, and the rudder that guides your every move. I pray that you will see fruits from your labors this week!

Monday, May 05, 2008

5/5 - First United Methodist Church, Fort Dodge, Iowa

5/5 - First United Methodist Church, Fort Dodge, Iowa

May 5 ( 5 : 5 )
"But by faith we eagerly await, through the Spirit, the righteousness for which we hope"
Galatians 5:5
For Reverand Mark Haverland and the people of First United Methodist Church of Fort Dodge, Iowa

Father, God, I pray for Pastor Gary as I sense he has a hunger and thirst for righteousness that has yet to be quenched. I pray that You, Father, will lead him in paths of righteousness for Your namesake. I pray that his daily comings and goings will illustrate to his congregation what a righteous life looks like. May You be his first thought when he arises, and his last thought when he goes to sleep. May the people of First United Methodist follow in this example and become a people who follow hard after the glory and righteousness of You.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

5/4 - Grace Church, Erie, Pennsylvania

5/4 - Grace Church, Erie, Pennsylvania

May 4 ( 5 : 4 )
He will stand and shepherd his flock, in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God, and they will live securely, for then His greatness will reach the ends of the earth"
Micah 5:4
For Pastors Al Detter and Larry Shallenberger and especially the children of Grace Church in Erie, Pennsylvania
Father God, I pray now for the children of Grace Church. I feel in my spirit that You are going to start a revolution through the children of this congregation that will spill forth not only to the entire congregation, but into the streets of Erie. I pray that Pastors Al and Larry will listen intently to the children, and let their hearts once again be childlike. I pray that You will allow their deep faith and knowledge of Your word help the children articulate what You want to speak through them. I pray that space will be allowed for the children to listen intently for Your still small voice, and Your word will be so easily recognized, it will not be able to be dismissed. Open their hearts and open their minds to invite Your Spirit to dwell with them. May they not be afraid to let a child lead them.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

5/3 - Northstar Church, Knoxville Tennessee

5/3 - Northstar Church, Knoxville Tennessee

May 3rd ( 5 : 3 )
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3
For pastor Scott Cagle and the people of Northstar church in Knoxville, Tennessee
Scott, your Heavenly Father knows the desires of your heart for your congregation. Bring to Him your petitions with great expectation and do not hold back, for He longs to give you the nations, literally. Ask for specific nations and He will give you incredible favor and access to the lost in hurting there. Test Him in this! See if He is not faithful!

Friday, May 02, 2008

5/2 - Livermore Reformed Baptist Church, Livermore California

5/2 - Livermore Reformed Baptist Church, Livermore California

May 2 ( 5 : 2 )

"through Christ whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God"

Romans 5:2


For Pastor Larry Trummel and the people of Livermore Reformed Baptist Church in Livermore, California
Pastor Larry, as I pray for your church, I get the word "abide". I pray that the Lord would reveal to you all the aspects of how He wants for us to abide in Him. I pray that you will take these new divine revelations and be able to draw not only your congregation, but everyone in your sphere of influence into a deeper abiding in Jesus Christ, the True Vine. May the fruits of this deepened relationship be evident in the lives of your people, and may it draw others into your fold that want the peace you have by abiding in Him.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

5/1 - Mount Zion Baptist Church, Prairiville, Louisiana

5/1 - Mount Zion Baptist Church, Prairiville, Louisiana

May 1 ( 5 : 1 )
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free,.Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery"
Galatians 5:1
For Pastor Henry Shelton and the people of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Prairiville, Louisiana.
Father, I lift up Pastor Henry to You. I pray that he will boldly lead his people and speak of the incredible story that Your mercy and grace has written for his church, his community, and all of mankind. I pray that the yokes of bondage will be broken away and by Your Holy Spirit, their church may become a refuge, and a place where the captives are set free. May true, life changing revival sweep through the city of Prairiville with Mount Zion Church being the epicenter. Christ has set them free, let them freely give as they have received!

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